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Course Pacing Schedule

FA 2018
TU AUG 28 Introduction to course
TH AUG 30 Student Statement of Understanding due. And so we being… 4 paragraph response paper due send digitally
Introduction to the formal elements and principles of art and design
TU SEP 04 Starter Kit & Introduction
WE SEP 05 End of Add/Drop > JCA Deacon Student Gallery The Lonely Dragon
TH SEP 06 Starter Kit & Introduction
4-5:30 Surface Tension exhibition in the Art Gallery in Reisman Hall
TU SEP 11 Prehistory Chapter I
TH SEP 13 Art of Africa Chapter 16
TU SEP 18 Art of Ancient Egypt Chapter 3
TH SEP 20 Art of Ancient Egypt Chapter 3
TU SEP 25 Pepper absent
TH SEP 27 Art of Ancient Greece Chapter 5
TU OCT 02 Test #1/5
TH OCT 04 Art of Ancient Greece Chapter 5 
TU OCT 09  Autumn Break!
TH OCT 11 
TU OCT 16 
Art of Ancient Greece Chapter 5 & Etruscan & Roman Art Chapter 6
TH OCT 18 Etruscan & Roman Art Chapter 6
TU OCT 23 Midterm Test #2/5 Etruscan & Roman Art Chapter 6
TH OCT 25 
TU OCT 30 Jewish, Early Christian Art & Byzantine Art Chapter 7
TH NOV 01 Jewish, Early Christian Art & Byzantine Art Chapter 7               
MO NOV 05 Pre Registration week SP 2019
TU NOV 06 Student Multi Media Presentations 
TH NOV 08  Student Multi Media Presentations                       
Research Paper #1 of 2 due
TU NOV 13 Test #3/5 Jewish, Early Christian Art & Byzantine Art Chapter 7     Between 2 red lines -----------------------
TH NOV 15   Jewish, Early Christian Art & Byzantine Art Chapter 7 
>Thanksgiving recess MON NOV 19 thru FRI NOV 23 (full week off) < 
TU NOV 27 Early Medieval & Romanesque Art Chapter 10
TH NOV 29  Early Medieval & Romanesque Art Chapter 10
TU DEC 04 
Early Medieval & Romanesque Art Chapter 10
TH DEC 06 Last day to withdraw from a class                                                                                                         Test #4/5  Gothic Art Chapter 11                                          
TU DEC 11 Gothic Art Chapter 11 
Research Paper #2 of 2 due        
TH DEC 13 Last class of Fall term
Islamic Art Chapter 8 
Test #5/5 Final Exams for
FA111.01 = TUESDAY DEC 18 from 12:30 - 2:30 PM
FA111.02 = MONDAY DEC 17 from 2:45 - 4:45 PM

Please note, if any student is scheduled for more than two exams in a single day they need to notify Dr. Jesse Lott in the Academic Learning Center.

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