A place to begin...
Due next class
AUG 30th
It's always interesting to look at others' creative works.
They often inform us, their viewers, about the things creative makers engage themselves in and where their interests and ideas may lie.
I want you to do just that.
Select one work of art from www.jenpepper.com
It may be 2D or 3D.
Describe it through these four elements:
- Noting the work's use of color, what do you think it might mean...
- Noting the work's use of line, what do you think it might mean...
- Noting the work's use of form and shape, and what you think it may mean...
- Noting the work's use of texture, and what you think it may mean...
Please write one paragraph on each of the four elements above.
Send digitally to me at jpepper@cazenovia.edu with your
Your program
Your year in college
In the emails subject line, note: "A place to begin."
Thank you.
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