1. Name two materials we have seen that make a cameo:
i. onyx > extremely hard stone
ii. sea shell
2. Name the three Greek Orders in chronological order:
i. Doric
ii. Ionic
iii. Corinthian
3. A polytheist culture means what exactly?
a culture that worships more than one god
4. We have seen two different plant forms on the tops of Ancient Egyptian columns. Name the plants they represent?
Lotus and Papyrus
5. A contrapposto pose is: >_____ii____ (fill in i, ii, or iii)
- a figure showing symmetrical balance
- a figure showing asymmetrical balance
iii. a bronze object carried by wealthy women
6. Hierarchical Scale suggests that relative size indicates relative importance within the culture, TRUE or FALSE
7. In architecture where is the Frieze located?
Above the columns, under the pediment
8. A marble carving can be described as: (Circle the correct answer.)
- subtractive carving
- hollow lost wax carving
- additive carving
9. What is a lyre? Circle the correct answer.
a. a musical instrument
b. a sharp tool to carve with
c. a part of architecture found in Ancient Egypt
10. Name the three amphora types:
i. Geometric
ii. Red-figure
iii. Black-figure
11. Name two North American buildings that take their design from early Ancient Greek temples:
i. The White House and ii. Monticello
12. Hellenistic art really changed the depiction of human figures.
Name only two from the observational revolution:
i. individualization
ii. the human figure in motion
13. Name two ways in which Ancient Roman city planners aided the middle class:
i. loads of ways: here are some:
ii. plumbing, sports facilities, public baths, democracy, temples in urban areas, bridges, aqueducts, development of concrete
14. What is a Pediment Triangular form in architecture And where can it be found?
above columns and capitals
15. Red-figure kraters are an earlier type than Geometric figure.
16. This guy was the first to have his profile minted onto monetary coins.
Who? Julius Ceaser
17. Akhenaten, was an amazing Egyptian Pharaoh who changed many things in Egypt. One thing was he changed his name, the second was he moved the capital of Egypt of Thebes to be further north.
18. What material are kraters made from?
terracotta clay
19. Many artistic depictions of Nefertiti belong to what period?
Late Arman period in Ancient Egyptian art
20. What does scarffito mean?
to scratch into a surface as we've seen in red-figure amphoras
21. These architectural columns are carved in the form of clothed women in flowing garments that hold up the building's pediment are called: Caryatids.
22. This new pharaoh went from a polytheist worshipper to a mono-theist one. Who? Akhenaten.
23. What is another name for a necropolis?
City of the Dead
24. Another name for “Octavian” is:
25. Greek temples are found located where? on hillsides above the city
Whereas Roman temples are found located where? In the urban centers.
26. Name two attributes that the Boy of Kouros is different from an Ancient Egyptian sculpture of a male.
i. nude
ii. walking towards us // free standing - negative space between his legs
27. A funny little smirk or smile was inspired by Asian art and can be found in Ancient Greek sculptures. It is known as the ” the Archaic smile.”
28. She was the goddess of civilization, knowledge, and war. According to Greek mythology, her name is Athena, and in Roman mythology, she is known by this name, Minerva .
29. To the right, draw the shape of a pediment: (a triangle)
30. One thing is for sure, the depiction of old people and children that were depicted in sculpture comes from what stylistic period in the Ancient world: Hellenistic art
31. What are the analogous colors of violet:
blue and red
32. Where on the color wheel are complimentary pairs located?
across one and other on the color wheel
33. “Pax Romana” translates to this in English: “ Roman Peace.”
Each worth 3 points (plus one, just 'cuz)
Bonus: Worth 7 points:
Explain the 5 significant cultural inventions, evolutionary art ideas and changes in city planning did Ancient Rome provided for its people.
i. public baths
ii. aqueducts
iii. temples in the urban centers
iv. roadways and bridges
v. markets, sport centers, excellent housing, etc.
What individual assisted in allowing this to happen? Augustus.
Why? The country experienced a long period of great peace and prosperity. He also wanted to be remembered as a supportive ruler.
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